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Seminar week

Seminar week HS 15: Footnotes From Central Java

October 19, 2015

Joint Seminar Week with Prof. Philip Ursprung and Prof. Alex Lehnerer

What does travel mean for architects? How does travel change our perception? How can we link seemingly discontinuous phenomena, and how can we tie together issues of architecture, urbanisms, economy, landscape, history and future? These questions do not only motivate our seminar weeks, they are also posed by a research and exhibition project, launched under the Title “The Tourist: Footnotes from Java” in the frame of Future Cities Lab 2 in Singapore by Alexander Lehnerer and Philip Ursprung. Our joint seminar week is closely related to this project. It will start in Singapore, lead us to Java, Indonesia, and back to Singapore. Sites include the little known harbor city of Semarang, the Dieng Plateau, and the booming cultural scene of Jogjakarta. We will climb the Merapi, an active volcano, follow the paths of a cigarette from the manufacture to the tobacco fields, meet with activists, pick up a 500 kg model of Merapi, visit temples and experience the complex intersection of urban and agricultural structures.

Participants must be physically fit for a strenuous nightly hike up Mount Merapi. (Four to five hours up, four hours down, departure at 1 a.m). Hiking boots, warm clothes, a rucksack and headlight or torch are necessary.

Participants: Max. 11 Students

Costs:  Category E, Max. CHF 1’500 (flight, hotel, entrance  fees)

Introductory Meeting: 8.10.2005, 10:00, location to be announced

Important Infos:

Part of the research project “The Tourist”.

  • Download Poster
  • Chicken Church, Java