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Chair of Architecture and Urban Design
Asst. Prof. Dr. Alex Lehnerer
Grand Urban Rules

Design Rules and Design With Rules!

Cities as cultural products are neither ‘built’ nor ‘planned,’ at best they are guided and steered in a certain direction. Therefore, rules and regulations are one of the few tools that are actually suitable to guide future development within such collective and complex urban settings.

We strongly believe that the field of (urban) design should not simply adhere to these standards as some neutrally existing context but should actively engage in discussing them in order to make them subject to design as well. read more

Office for urban regulation

Scenic Drive Protection

Los Angeles , Mulholland Drive

The view from the cliffside mountain road down onto the city shall not be blocked by buildings, nor shall buildings be visible from this road at all (as measured from a height of 4 ft (1.2 m)).

  • Mulholland Scenic Design Guidelines with a picture of its opening in 1924.

Rule category

View Management: preservation of imporant views of the city
The Kind of Rule
Rule that works as reference, ratio, or dependency.
Rule with direct impact on architectural or urban form.
Rule that regulates building heights.
Rule that has a strong influence on urban density and its distribution.
Rule that influences programmatic and functional issues.
General Declaration: General declaration, motive without specific scale.
General Land Use: Rule that specifies land use in general.